Our professors are distinguished in both the academic and professional engineering communities, with many holding senior memberships with organizations such as the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and the American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME).
Our faculty’s research is widely published and includes areas that few groups in the world are studying. At the same time, our breadth of expertise and collaborative atmosphere offer a level of mentorship and student support that few other universities can offer. Our key areas of research include electromagnetics, biomechanics, diamond technology, micro-nano electronics & VLSI, evolutionary computing & algorithms, design optimization, robotics & control and signal processing.
Professors at MSU are committed to the development of our students’ education, and they bring their experience to the classroom through examples leveraged from research, connections with leading industry practitioners and the broad collective expertise of the MSU College of Engineering.
Koenig Endowed Chair Professor for Electrical and Computer Engineering; Affiliated faculty for Computer Science & Engineering and Mechanical Engineering